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      Most people agree that creativeness is vital to a person in both his study and work because it has been found that most well-known scientists are creative in thinking. A student with creativeness is active in thinking and quicker in solving difficult problems. A creative engineer may speculate more deeply into a problem and achieve better outcome in his work.

      Studies of creative people have found most of them are characterized with dynamic thinking and daring spirit. Unlike most people, creative people do not allow their minds to stay passive, accepting or unquestioning. Instead, they keep their curiosity burning and their minds working. Besides, creative people are bold in their conceptions about the world and the universe, and are more willing to entertain some unpopular ideas and more open to those challenging thoughts.

      Cultivation of creativeness among students is an essential part of quality education. Students should form the habit of creative thinking in their school days if they want to gain more achievements in their study and be of more help to society in future.



