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      Directions: You are a teacher. You are going to write a report to the parents of your pupil Wang Gang about his performance in school. In the report, you should mention:

      (1)。 His performance in study,

      (2)。 Your acknowledge of his parents´ cooperation,

      (3)。 Areas in need of improvement.

      Dear parents,

      Your child Wang Gang´s grades have been very high this year. I have been extremely pleased with his work. Although he didn´t do very well in the first year, he seems to find the second year easier. He is highly motivated. I think his excellent performance is probably due in part to the support he received from you, who I think take a lot of interest in his schoolwork and always help him with his homework.

      However, Wang Gang doesn´t care much for sport and rarely takes part in after-school activities. He is very shy and finds it difficult to make friends at school. I wish Wang Gang would put as much effort into his social life as he does into his studies.

      Yours sincerely,



      1 学生的学习情况

      2 了解到家长给予教学工作的配合

      3 学生需要改进的地方


