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      1 . Cyclic AMP is produced by the enzyme________and degraded by the enzyme________

      2 . NO是一种气体信号分子,在体内主要由精氨酸产生, 它的半衰期很短, 故只作用于邻近细胞, 它作用的靶酶是________

      3. ________junctions enable cells to get a hold on the extracellular matrix by connecting their actin filaments to the matrix.

      4  动物细胞质膜靠________建立膜两侧的质子动力势,而植物细胞则是靠________。

      5. 蛋白质合成时多聚核糖体的形成对生命活动的意义在于:________。


      1. Active transport is always driven by the hydrolysis of high-energy phosphate bonds.(     )

      2. Treatment of an animal cell with an inhibitor that is specific for the Na+/K+ pump is not likely to affect the uptake of glucose by sodium cotransport.(     )

      3. Tight junctions get their name from their property of holding cells togetherso tightly that they cannot be separated by mechanical forces.(      )

      4. Gap junctions connect the cytoskeletal elements of one cell to a neighboring cell or to the extracellular matrix.(      )

      5. NO acts only locally because it has a short half-life--about 5 to 10 seconds--in the extracellular space before it is converted to nitrates and nitrites by oxygen and water.(     )


      1.  Which one of the following was used to determine the structure of the DNA molecule?(      )

      a. Transmission electron microscope    b. Scanning electron microscope

      c. Differential centrifugatioin         d. X-ray crystallography

      e. None of the above

      2.  You stain membrane proteins with a fluorescent-labeled antibody and notice the membrane is evenly stained. After a few hours, all of the fluorescence is at one end of a cell. You can conclude that(     ).

      a. Lipids flip-flop in the membrane.   b. Proteins move laterally in the membrane.

      c. The fluorescent dye was bleached.  d. Proteins act as transporters.

      e. All of the above

      3.  You have a preparation of ghosts and need to collect only the right-side out ghosts. You decide you can trap the right-side out ghosts in an affinity column packed with(     )

      a. SDS.                        b. A carbohydrate-binding molecule.

      c. A protein-binding antibody.      d. A serine-binding molecule.

      e. None of the above

      4.  All of the following individuals contributed to cell theory except(      )

      a.  Robert Hooke.            b. Matthias Schleiden.

      c.  Theodor Schwann.        d.  Rudolf Virchow.

      5.  The addition of a peptide with an RGD sequence would probably  ?  the binding of cultured cells to a fibronectin coated dish.(     )

      a.  enhance              b. inhibit

      c.  have no effect on      d.   none of the above