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        Section B Dialogue Comprehension

        Directions:In this section,you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman.At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

        6、 Woman:Bob,if you weed the garden,I'll do the dishes.

        Man:It’s a deal.

        Question:What does the man mean?

        A.He agrees to the proposal. B.He rejects the idea.

        C.He thinks it's unfair. D.He stands to gain.

        7、 Woman:Can I go skiing with you and your friends this weekend?

        Man: The more,the merrier.

        Question:W hat does the man mean?

        A.There are already too many people.

        B.He can’t promise the woman now.

        C.The woman is welcome to join them.

        D.The woman can come next time.

        8、 Man:This suitcase cost me 200 dollars.

        Woman:200 dollars for a piece of junk like that? That’s a rip-off!

        Question:What does the woman mean?

        A.It’s a bit expensive。 B.It’s a real bargain.

        C.It’s not worth the price. D.It’s unexpected.

        9、 Woman:The house seems in a bad shape.

        Man:Yes,we’ve decided to rebuild it from scratch.

        Question:What would the man probably do to the house?

        A.He would scratch the paint off its surface.

        B.He would tear it down first.

        C.He would make some repairs.

        D.He would rebuild it by himself.

        10、Ted:I ate four hamburgers,Mom.

        Mother:Well, you’ve made a pig of yourself.

        Question: What do we learn from the conversation?

        A. Pigs love hamburgers too. B.Ted looks overweight.

        C.The hamburgers were delicious. D.Ted ate too many hamburgers.